

We really appreciate you want to support us by donating. You can click the button below to donate. It is also possible to support our work structurally by sponsoring a child in one of our programs. If you want to do so, you can indicate this here .

If you want to transfer directly to S2S foundation bank account please use:
IBAN NL61 INGB 0002 8794 34
in the name of 'Stichting Shoulder 2 Shoulder Foundation'
S2S foundation has a Dutch ANBI registration.

For Germany:
Als u een donatiebewijs wilt ontvangen, dan kunt overmaken naar de Duitse steunvereniging ‘Förderverein Shoulder to Shoulder International e.V.’: Vereinigte Volksbanken eG; IBAN: DE87 6039 0000 0705 9880 07
The association 'Förderverein Shoulder to Shoulder International e.V.' is recognized as non-profit by the Reutlingen tax office. You may also donate via Paypal:
