Author Archives: admin

One of the new boys whom was taken from the streets, is sharing his gratitude! We are grateful to help boys like him, helping and leading them to a better future!

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Shoulder 2 Shoulder is een geefactie gestart om voedseldistributies te kunnen houden voor de allerarmsten in Mombassa. Als gevolg van de lockdown die door de Keniaanse regering is afgekondigd hebben zij op dit moment geen andere manier om aan voedsel te komen. Als je mee wilt doen met deze actie kijk dan snel op Hier komen ook regelmatig updates over de actie.

In response to Covid-19 pandemic, National government, Street Rehabilitation Trust Fund, and Mombasa children department and other stakeholders teamed up together to address the issue of homeless street children in Mombasa and found a committed partner in Onesimus Good News Boys Centre (OGBC) a program of Shoulder should International that focused on rehabilitating street boys. We can report the cooperation lead by the County director children department Mombasa has managed to rescue 51 boys out of the Mombasa street.

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Kenya is also hit by covid-19, for several weeks there has been a lock down. The families of our Dickson school are casual workers, no work for day means no money = no food. They are struggling. Even though we have pleaded with the government to allow us to continue our food program, they don't allow us. Through the Dutch board of S2S money was raised and on Saturday over 90 families got food packages.

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Op dit moment worden er voedseldistributies voorbereid en uitgevoerd om de allerarmsten te helpen tijdens de lock-down ten gevolge van het COVID-19 virus. Dankzij giften van van veel mensen kunnen we hiermee de grootste nood lenigen. Als je hier ook aan wilt bijdragen kan dat via onze actiepagina op

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Last Saturday the boys from Onesimus were taken on safari by the UK team! They had the best day! Thank you so much!

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Thank you MPC Mtwapa for visiting and having ministry with our Onesimus boys today! Thank you for taking time to spend with us. God bless you!

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Last week our pupils from grade 4 and 5 had some preparations and had to run around the field to prepare them for some competition. Our children really enjoyed it and performed well.

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Today Onesimus Goodnews Boys centre were honoured to be visited by the Department of Registration of persons and death, Majengo office led by Madam Rose and her staffs. We say thank you so much.

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Een nieuw opgezet project in 2020 is het ‘school sponsorproject’ voor basisscholen. Het is een project waarin twee werelden aan elkaar verbonden worden en van elkaar zullen leren; Kinderen en leerkrachten van een Nederlands basisschool en kinderen en leerkrachten van de Dickson Comprehensive School.

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